About us
Pilbara Community Legal Service Inc. (PCLS) provide accessible, equitable, responsible and culturally appropriate advice, support and advocacy to the people of the Pilbara.
Established in Hedland
Newman - Hedland
Karratha - Roebourne
Nanette Williams
Finalist Award
Launch new website
New Strategic Plan
Head Office now:
of Balmoral Road, Karratha
(Pilbara Development Commission Best Community Organisation)
2017 - 2018:
Clare Murray
2018 - 2019:
Miranda Cecich
& Runner up Karratha District Chamber of Commerce Community Services Award
Purchased Sharpe Ave,
Karen Grove
Commenced 2023:
Joanna Collins
New Strategic Plan
New Website
Rebranding: Concept behind the new logo design

Tiger Iron is a unique gemstone found only in the Pilbara region. The combination of its unique colour and pattern is highly regarded and has helped make Tiger Iron one of Austra- lia’s best known semi-precious gemstones.

Tiger-Iron is seen as a very powerful grounding stone. It will give you courage and strength to fulfill responsibilities, it helps you to stay calm and to look at situations objectively. It is a stone with empowering properties that will help you have more confidence in your abilities. It will help you recognise the inner resources that you have which you can use to accomplish your goals.

An abstract geometric design using an organic shape inspired by the facets of the gemstone, symbolising the multifac- eted nature of the community and the organisation’s commitment to serving its diverse needs. The colour palette is that of the gemstone, but also of the Pilbara landscape.
PCLS is now a well-established service operating in four centres:
- South Hedland
- Karratha
- Roebourne
- Newman
The PCLS also provides outreach services across the Pilbara.

The Pilbara Community Legal Service Inc. (PCLS) has a team of 27 staff operating from these four offices; however our services are delivered throughout the Pilbara region and to isolated communities which include: Marble Bar, Nullagine and Jigalong with occasional visits to Onslow, Tom Price and Paraburdoo.
PCLS services include information, advice and casework services to individuals, as well as community legal education, law reform, and community-capacity building projects. PCLS aims to reduce legal disadvantage, increase the capacity of individuals to manage their lives effectively and ensure people understand their rights and obligations.
PCLS is committed to ensuring access for disadvantaged persons to improve their quality of life by upholding their legal, social and economic rights.
The most rewarding aspect for our PCLS Staff and the Board of Management is helping people through difficult and complex situations and dilemmas. The PCLS is unique because it provides all the support needed within the one organisation so the client is not going on a referral roundabout.
It is impossible to plan for when many legal issues may arise. People do not budget for legal fees for issues like marriage breakdown, eviction or debt problems. However, PCLS ensures that every person can access the law regardless of their financial situation, social circumstances or geographic location.