PCLS has solicitors located in Karratha and Hedland. The legal service is provided to the people of the Pilbara and outreach is conducted on an at needs basis.
The service is free and is specific in the areas of:
Family law
- Property Settlement- Solicitors offer limited assistance in relation to property settlement. They can provide; general information regarding the process of initiating and finalising financial relations with your partner, general assistance with filling in court forms and making appropriate referrals to other services
- Parenting- Solicitors provide advice only and appropriate referrals in areas such as: where the children will live, how much time spent with the other parent, parenting plans and orders, location and recovery orders and breach of court orders.
- Divorce- Solicitors provide advice and assistance with the process and drafting of court documents.
- Care and Protection- Solicitors provide advice and court representation for care and protection matters. They do not provide representation in appeal matters.
- Family and Domestic Violence- Solicitors provide advice in relation to restraining orders, negotiating resolutions prior to the matter proceeding trial, court representation (where appropriate).
Criminal Injuries compensation
Victims of family violence and victims of any other crime who have suffered bodily harm, or psychological injury as a result of the crime may be eligible to claim Criminal Injuries Compensation.
There is a three year limitation period to make a claim for Criminal Injuries Compensation although it is possible to make a request for an extension of time to make the application for compensation.
The solicitors can assist you to submit your claim and apply for the necessary supporting documentation.
Click here to view our legal brochure
To find out more about our services please contact us or complete our enquiry form and we will contact you.
If you would like to refer a client to one of our services please complete an External Referral Form and send to the nearest PCLS office.